Important News
​Workshop Meeting Notice
There will be Budget Workshop Meeting of the Otisco Township Board at the Township hall at 9663 W. Button Road, Belding (Smyrna)
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 7pm
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 7pm
Monday, January 3, 2025 at 7pm
The purpose of the meeting is to draft the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget
And any other business that comes before the board
​Attention Residents: Otisco Township will no longer have recycling until further notice.
Dump Vouchers
Dump Vouchers are now available for 2024/2025. Please Bring ID.
Address Number
All dwellings and other buildings shall be marked and identified by the owner with the correct street address number on or at the front entrance of the principal building or readily visible from the adjacent street or right-of-way. This is for your protection in case emergency vehicles need to find your address. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
There are changes in rules of The Freedom of Information Act as of July 1. 2015 . Freedom of Information Procedures, Guidelines and Forms:
FOIA Procedures and Guidelines
Annotated FOIA Public Act 442 of 1976
FOIA Request for Public Records (Form)
Notice of Denial of FOIA Request (Form)
FOIA Appeal a Denial of Records (Form)
Freedom of Information Act Detailed Cost Itemization
FOIA Appeal an Excess Fee (Form)
Township Board
Bruce Feuerstein, Supervisor
Del Pike, Deputy Supervisor
Paula Byrne, Treasurer
Angie Bannister, Deputy Treasurer
Vicky Byrne, Clerk
Kristie Walls, Deputy Clerk
Joseph Borek, Trustee
Stephanie Wireman, Trustee